The Graphic Mac » sell | The Graphic Mac Design | Mac | Adobe | Web Wed, 08 Jan 2014 13:16:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sell your unused logo designs Tue, 09 Feb 2010 14:00:18 +0000 Related posts:
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If you’ve had a few freelance logo design jobs in the past, you’ve no doubt accumulated a few dozen versions that never made the client cut. You generally have two options. You can keep the unused logo designs stored on your hard drive, just in case some future client needs something similar, or you can try to sell the as is right now.
Sell your unused logos at StockLogos

StockLogos offers the chance at selling your unused logo designs

WebMediaBrands, the company who brings you such popular sites such as Ads of the World, AgencySpy, CreativeBits, and LiquidTreat, have launched a new site which offers designers the ability to sell those unused logos littering your hard drive.

StockLogos, like many other “affordable logos” sites out there allows designers to upload their logos, and hopefully sell them to clients on a budget.

Sound familiar? Well it should, but there are a few things that separate StockLogos from similar sites out there. For one, the site is owned by a reputable and familiar brand. This isn’t a fly-by-night company run out of a garage. Second, every logo is reviewed by a real person to make sure it meets several standards. Third, while your identity remains anonymous to the general public, once your logo is sold your contact info is provide to the buyer in case they wish to pay you for further work, such as brochures, letterhead, business cards, etc. And finally, YOU SET THE PRICE.

StockLogos sampleMost similar sites operate in a fashion that requires you to design something to their (usually vague and unhelpful) specifications, then MAYBE choose a winner who then receives the cash amount offered. The problem is that you’re essentially doing spec work in the hopes of getting paid, something I’m not a big fan of. StockLogos offers you the chance at selling work you’ve technically already completed and been paid for by your existing clients. Once your logo is sold, it is removed from the marketplace and all rights to the logo are transferred to the buyer.

Setting the price is totally up to you. At the time of this review, prices were between $500 and $50. When pricing your work, keep in mind that StockLogos takes a 25% cut of the sale, and payment is made through PayPal.

One can argue the benefits and drawbacks of using such a service, and whether or not it’s good for the design industry, but ultimately it’s a personal choice. However, if you’re going to use this type of service, I highly recommend you do your research first, and ultimately choose a reputable site. I’ve never used StockLogos, so I cannot vouch for them. I do however know one of the folks behind the site, and I can say that he would most definitely NOT align himself with a shady operation.

Even if you decide not to participate in the service, StockLogos can certainly be added to the many other sites out there that you can draw inspiration from – just don’t draw too much inspiration, if you know what I mean!

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