Category: Links

The most ignorant puddle of palaver all year

So I was reading the Macalope column over at and he/they/it shared a link to this dipshit’s commentary on Apple (titled: 10 Things Apple Won’t Say). As pointed out by the Macalope, this ass-spatula (also referred to by his mother as Quentin Fottrell) wrote the same article two years ago. Not similar, but almost exactly the same.

Normally that would be bad enough to call this ass-hat out publicly—but almost everything he writes is completely made-up monkey piss, or incredibly stinky and opinionated guano.

Note: The link to the ‘article’ in question is a no-follow link, so the putz gets no Google juice from linking to it. So go ahead and read this hot mess. But be warned, unless you just now found out who/what Apple is, this article is going to annoy the ever-loving’ shit out of you.

60% of your fellow designers are breaking the law every day

Font survey
Ever wonder how many of your fellow graphic designers break the law? Well, around 60% of them are at least honest about it when they say they are. Grab a copy of The Hidden Risks of Font Misuse, a survey of creatives conducted by Extensis.

About 80% don’t bother to read a font license, because around 80% of us can’t understand a frigging word of the legal mumbo-jumbo. I suspect this is at least 50% of the problem.

Where are VIP Contacts for Messages and FaceTime?

I’d love to see VIP moved from Mail’s settings to Contacts proper, so that I can make sure the people who are literally “very important” get through more easily, no matter how they choose to communicate with me. And it’d be great if it happened with iOS 9.

As soon as I saw the VIP feature of Mail, I wondered why I was setting it up in Mail instead of Contacts. It makes no sense. If someone is in my VIP list, they’re a VIP in Mail, Messages, and FaceTime, not just Mail.

Rene Ritchie goes into more detail at iMore.

Hopefully, some day, this won’t be such big news

Tim Cook

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, this morning published an essay on Bloomberg Business Week in which he announced he is gay. Shock. Well, not really. Most Apple fans already knew this, and most everyone else probably took a where there is smoke, there’s fire opinion on the subject.

I think it’s awesome that he came out publicly like this, I just wish we lived in a time when this wasn’t news at all.

The most in-depth review of OS X Yosemite you’ll find

OS X Yosemite
OS X Yosemite has been out for a while now, and I’m enjoying the heck out of using it. It’s probably the most full-featured OS release Apple has offered us in quite a while. While you’ve probably read plenty about the hero features, it’s still worth reading John Siracusa’s full review. At 25 pages in length, it’s about as in-depth as you can get.