rumors – The Graphic Mac Apple, Adobe, Graphic Design, Resources Mon, 23 Oct 2017 15:00:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 30361562 Inside the mill: How an Apple rumor gets made Tue, 21 Jun 2016 16:00:31 +0000 Related posts:
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  2. Apple Car on September 9th?
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Apple rumors

You’ve definitely heard an Apple rumor before. Like, maybe there won’t be a headphone jack on the next iPhone? Or that iTunes is getting a major overhaul. They come from “unnamed,” “well-placed,” “reliable” sources who are “familiar with the company’s thinking,” or a blurry factory photo of unknown origin.

How does a piece of information from one of the world’s most secretive companies materialize online? It’s a much more opaque process than you might expect.

If you’ve followed Apple rumors online for any amount of time, none of this has escaped your notice. That being said, the last several years have seen “legit” media outlets jumping into the game, and quoting these sites as fact. As for me, I’ve found that 90% of “rumors” are little more than common sense guesses based on technology and past actions by Apple. The rest, well… I just wait for the official announcements before I get too excited about anything.

Apple Car on September 9th? Mon, 31 Aug 2015 14:00:48 +0000 Related posts:
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  3. No iPad 3 at Macworld or CES
Apple Car

Betteridge’s Law of Headlines most likely applies on an article titled “Will we see the Apple Electric Vehicle on September 9?” IF Apple is building a car, I would guess it’s years away from release. And no matter how secretive Apple is, there’s just no way to keep all the people involved in building a car quiet. There are just too many outside vendors to deal with. We would have hear lots of more specific rumors and details by now.

No. I’m sorry. That is just one analyst trying to come down off his cinnamon high.

Rant: The annoying year that was 2011 Tue, 03 Jan 2012 14:00:26 +0000 Like any other year, 2011 brought a lot of highs and lows in my tech life. Unlike any other year though, 2011 was filled with situations and trends that just wouldn't change to my liking. There were lots of great things happening in tech this year, too many to talk about here. But I have put together a list of things that managed to annoy me to no end. ]]> Like any other year, 2011 brought a lot of highs and lows in my tech life. Unlike any other year though, 2011 was filled with situations and trends that just wouldn’t change to my liking.


2011 was just too much sharing for my taste

There were lots of great things happening in tech this year, too many to talk about here. But I have put together a list of things that managed to annoy me to no end.

  • Social. I’m sick and tired of “social.” Unfortunately, every new app and website appears to be based on sharing your information with people you probably don’t even know. I’m not sure what everyone’s obsession is with sharing everything, but 2011 was your year if you like to do that.
  • Social media spam is at an all-time high. The only upside is that most spammers are easy to spot because for whatever reason they’re convinced that using a young and pretty Japanese girl as an avatar. At least they’re easy to spot and block that way.
  • Image Memes. People who fell in love with sharing those stupid images with text overlaid on them on Facebook, G+ & Twitter because they couldn’t think of anything better to post.
  • Commercial lead-ins. Every stinking video on every stinking commercial website has a 15 to 30-second commercial at the start of it. It’s particularly annoying on sites like where this doesn’t happen just on the first video you watch on the site, but EVERY video, every time.
  • iPhone 5/iPad 3 rumors. Four solid months of rumors citing “anonymous sources” – none of which actually panned out.
  • Tech journalism in general. Many popular tech sites were bought out and subsequently destroyed by their new owners ( comes to mind). Other sites, suffering from lack of income due to readers blocking ads and using other means of reading articles that don’t display ads, offered little more than press-releases with no commentary at all.
  • Design websites that have turned into nothing more than business card design photo collections and sponsored giveaways of business card printing and WordPress themes.
Slideshow articles

Why must I click 12 times to read a three paragraph article?

  • Articles as slideshows. There’s nothing more annoying than having to click through 12 pages of ads to read a 200 word article. This is literarily my #1 complaint about the web in 2011.
  • Page-jump shuffle. 12 page articles w/3 paragraphs on each page (to pump page views and amount of ads per page). This kind of goes along with the previous bullet point. I don’t mind when a 5,000 word article is broken up, but there’s simply no reason to make me click so many times for a 500 word announcement.
  • Freemium apps. Apps in the iOS store moving to the freemium model. Baiting customers with what looks like a great app, only to force users to purchase upgrades in-app that make the app useful.
  • No demo available. The increased volume and lower cost of apps in the Mac App Store is fantastic for the shareware market. Unfortunately, not having the ability to try an app before you buy it never materialized, thus keeping many users from exploring more apps. Apple really needs to come up with a system to allow demo downloads instead of leaving developers to maintain two sets of code of a single app.
  • Flash still exists. Apple managed to kill Flash in the mobile market. Unfortunately, killing it completely on the web has proven to be a much more difficult task. I hate Flash, and the use of it on a website all but guarantees I won’t visit a site unless it proves to be too valuable not to.
  • Apple’s iOS fetish. Apple paid a lot of attention to iOS devices in 2011. Unfortunately, that meant no updates for the MacPro or iMac (other than a speed bump to the iMac in May). I’m simply not ready to give up my big, powerful desktop Mac in exchange for my MacBook Air and iPhone.
  • Adobe pricing updates. Adobe announced an extremely unpopular piece of news regarding the pricing for the next version of their Creative Suite, thus setting off a shit-storm of complaints from users. In the end, I think people will warm-up to the subscription plans. But Adobe is in a difficult position because for the first time in their history, there are viable alternatives to their flagship apps. I suspect that 2012 will bring a kinder, gentler Adobe.

Hopefully, 2012 will bring some relief in my tech life and all the previously mentioned items will be resolved to my liking – because you know, the tech world revolves around what I like! 😉

No iPad 3 at Macworld or CES Fri, 30 Dec 2011 14:30:15 +0000 DigiTimes claimed yesterday that Apple was set to release two versions of the iPad 3 in January (around the time of the Macworld/iWorld show), according to their "sources" - you know, the same sources they had that confirmed the iPhone 5 launch a few months back. Other rumors claim that the timeframe will be around the Consumer Electronics Show (CES). Jim Dalrymple of The Loop puts an end to these ridiculous rumors in a post yesterday. If there's one thing I've learned about Jim over the years: if he says Apple is or isn't going to do something, you can pretty much take it to the bank! ]]> DigiTimes claimed yesterday that Apple was set to release two versions of the iPad 3 in January (around the time of the Macworld/iWorld show), according to their “sources” – you know, the same sources they had that confirmed the iPhone 5 launch a few months back. Other rumors claim that the timeframe will be around the Consumer Electronics Show (CES).

Jim Dalrymple of The Loop puts an end to these ridiculous rumors in a post yesterday. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about Jim over the years: if he says Apple is or isn’t going to do something, you can pretty much take it to the bank!

Rant: The iPhone – Just shut up already! Wed, 02 Jul 2008 13:36:54 +0000 A while back, I ranted about developers, PC writers, bloggers, Microsoft and Mac users in general. Today, I want to chit-chat about the iPhone. The iPhone, it’s the 2nd-coming of Christ. It’ll make your stupid kids smarter, your fat-ass smaller, your husband’s beer-belly smaller, and your ugly wife hotter! The iPhone makes your e-penis huge like no amount of Viagra can.… Read the rest

A while back, I ranted about developers, PC writers, bloggers, Microsoft and Mac users in general. Today, I want to chit-chat about the iPhone. The iPhone, it’s the 2nd-coming of Christ. It’ll make your stupid kids smarter, your fat-ass smaller, your husband’s beer-belly smaller, and your ugly wife hotter! The iPhone makes your e-penis huge like no amount of Viagra can. It’ll deposit $100,000 into your bank account today, and it’ll eradicate every douchebag in Washington D.C. and replace them with hard-working, honest Americans with the touch of a button. With all that up-side, it’s no wonder that every Web site I visit, I get a heaping helping of iPhone B.S. shoved down my grocery pipe.

My RSS reader of choice actually puked on my keyboard this morning, and I’m pretty sure I saw an iPhone Mail icon mixed in the puddle of mush. Sites I used to love reading are gagging like a cat with a furball in its throat with iPhone articles. Enough already!

TUAW (The Unofficial Apple Weblog) used to be interesting… until the iPhone came along. The last time I looked, 8 out of the 15 articles on the front page were about the iPhone. You may think that’s not a bad ratio, but keep in mind that the other 7 articles were somewhere between 3 sentences and 2 paragraphs each of re-hashed press-release material. The iPhone articles, on the other hand, were pooping out some rubbish about how wonderful it was that there was talk of an iPhone app that would (gasp) count down a user-specified amount of time, and discussing the important issue of how much money the developer would make selling the app in the Apple iPhone iTunes iStore – or whatever the heck they’re calling it. I call it TMDC, “The Money Down the Crapper” store.

Had a look-see at MacRumors lately? Some little monkey-poop island in the middle of the South Pacific is rumored to be where Apple is having the glue used on the iPhone box made. They’re pretty sure it’s all accurate – somebody’s brother’s mother’s sister’s son stirs the glue pot in between making shoes for 12-cents a day in the sweat shops. This is of great enough importance that MacRumors saw fit to create an iPhone tab which when clicked, brings you all the latest worthless information about the iPhoney-baloney on one mind-numbing page. Macworld lists 4 of their top 10 stories as iPhart-related dribble. Unfortunately, I read the same information on other sites about two weeks earlier.

MacLife (formerly MacAddict) lists 8 iPhell-asleep articles out of 15 total on the home page. Good grief, talk about “addicts.” Look out your window, you’ll see a plate of pork flying by. Even John Gruber of DaringFireball is linking to iPhone articles quite often. C’mon John, don’t do it. Just say no. Just say iNo. You’re too cool for the iPutz – even if it is the 320GB $987 model with only a 137 year contract. Why can’t every site be like The Apple Blog. Only 3 out of 20 articles on the front page mention the iPhutz at the time I checked — and one of them wasn’t exactly a fan-boy type of article.

Honest to gosh, what the heck is wrong with people? It’s a damn phone. If you somehow convince yourself that you MUST have it, then you’re a fool. If your life is so complicated that you need to check your email every two minutes, check your calendar, add some more contacts, check the local weather and find the closest restaurant, then you obviously don’t have time to listen to music or look at pictures or watch videos. So why would you spend the $85+ a month it’s going to cost you (on top of the iPhone itself)? Here’s a better idea. Go grab yourself a Verizon account with a free phone. Spend the time you were going to spend tinkering with the iPhone actually doing something… you know, like accomplishing tasks. Simplify your life. Spend time enjoying it, rather than trying to organize it.

If you just like to have cool gadgets, I totally understand, and you’re exempt from the above statements. I’m a tech geek too. But before you blow your wad on the iRipOff, take a look at what Maddox has to say about the iTurd. If nothing else, the artwork is worth admiring. Now don’t get me wrong, I love Apple and its products – even the iPhone. And I still read all those sites I just dumped on. But I feel I must ask them to please, SHUT THE iHELL UP ABOUT THE iPHONE ALREADY and get back to the Mac, and all the great software out there for OSX.

iPhone image courtesy of Apple, the rest of the B.S. is courtesy of me. NOTE: Original article has been edited for a typo, and foul language has been (mostly) removed to make it more “family-friendly.”
