Tagged: siri

Wake me up in an hour: Napping with Siri

Siri alarm

If you’re really tired and want to take a nap, let Siri wake you up in time. Just tell Siri Wake me up in an hour. That’s it. Pretty simple, right?

I’m not even going to explain how I managed to accidentally learn that you could do this with Siri, but I’m sure you can figure it out.

Write full emails using Siri on your iPhone

Email with SiriIf you thought Siri was a gimmicky feature of iOS, think again—you can do more than schedule an appointment, check game scores, and search the web.

Paul over at OSXDaily has posted a simple tutorial to show you how to use Siri to author a complete email without touching the keyboard on your iPhone.

The trickiest part of using Siri is remember the commands necessary to use Siri to do a ton of different things.