Tagged: website

Try web FontFonts on any site with FontFonter bookmarklet


Web FontFonts are high quality, screen-optimized fonts designed specifically for web use. FontFonter uses custom CSS and other techniques to temporarily replace a site’s font styles with Web FontFonts, making it a great tool for web designers to quickly see how their site will appear using different font combinations with doing any coding.

FontFonter also offers a handy browser bookmrarklet that works in Safari, Chrome and Firefox which brings up a small floating panel to allow you to select serif and sans-serif fonts to apply the site you’re currently viewing.

Extensis adds Google Web Fonts to the Web Font Plug-in for Photoshop

Extensis Web Font Plug-in

Extensis' Web Font Plug-in makes website mockups in Photoshop easy

Designers have been able to use actual fonts in their websites for quite a while now, but integrating web fonts at all points throughout the creative workflow has been a challenge until now. Extensis closes the web font gap in the traditional web design workflow by adding Google Web Fonts to their plug-in for Adobe Photoshop. Extensis’ Web Font Plug-in already provides web designers with free access to thousands of WebINK web fonts, and now adds convenient access to hundreds of fonts from Google Web Fonts.

The advantage of using Extensis’ WebINK technology with the Web Font plug-in is that you can design your site mockup in Adobe Photoshop even if you don’t already own and have installed the actual web font you want to use on the site.

The free WebINK Photoshop Plug-in is included with Suitcase Fusion 3. If you’re not already a Suitcase Fusion user, you can download the trial version. The free plug-in will continue to work even if you choose not to keep Suitcase Fusion 3.

Using Safari 5’s Reader feature

SafariApple introduced a new feature when it recently released Safari 5 called Reader. Reader allows you to view the content of a web page in a clean, easily readable interface – perfect for those who articles on sites that are riddled with graphics and ads that have nothing to do with the article itself.

This is fantastic feature for website viewers, but not so welcome to content creators who could be missing out on ad clicks that keep their sites running. But I’ll leave that discussion for another time. With the name Reader, you might think Apple simply updated their RSS feed reader that was already present, but that is not the case. Reader is an all new feature which allows you to focus on reading a single article on any given web page. More on when you can and can’t use Reader after the jump.