Tagged: advertising

Humor: Truth in advertising

Truth in advertising – humorous and sad at the same time. Sad because it isn’t THAT far-fetched. Warning: a bit of foul language in this video

19 Creative Halloween advertisements

There must be innovation and creativity involved in any successful creative advertisement campaign. In this article at SmashingApps, you can see how different companies conveyed their marketing/promotion message for their products or services for the Halloween Season. All of them are worth taking a look at, even if most are for beer companies with bottomless pits of money for ad budgets!

The 100 most influential advertising taglines since 1948

TaglineGuru put together a list in 2005 of the 100 most influential advertising taglines since 1948. Our favorite computer maker topped out at #6 with its “Think Different” campaign from 1998. It’s great to look at the list and think back to all the great advertising over the years, but in looking closer at the list, I’m wondering who responded to the survey that resulted in it. For instance, how does 7-Up Cola come in higher with “The Uncola” than Charmin’s famous “Please don’t squeeze the Charmin?” Also listed are the Top 50 U.S. City Slogans, where we find What Happens Here, Stays Here (Las Vegas) at number 1.