InDesign CS3 - Better Video Performance thru Hardware

I'd like to get quicker screen redraw when using ID CS3.

I typically work in "High Quality Display" mode. When I'm in a hurry, I'll switch to a lower display quality setting. But I'd like to know if there is a hardware solution in graphics cards that could give me quicker screen redraw times.

I'm currently using a G5 2.3Ghz dual-core with PCI Express slots.

Thanks in advance,

Better video card

Basically it comes down to the video card. If you're using the stock video card, you're probably getting fairly decent screen redraw rates. Upgrading to the next step up in video cards will help a little.

If you have a 256MB video card, upgrade to a 512MB card. That being said, it probably won't make a profound improvement. The redraw feature can be adjusted a little to help speed it along, but you can also turn off the Page preview feature in the Pages panel, as well as NOT use the the Navigation panel.

I'm sorry I can't come up with a better hardware solution, perhaps someone else has something that can help.

Right, I understand that. I

Right, I understand that.

I guess what I'm looking for is SPECIFIC information on what graphics card would work best. Should have been more specific in my request.


Two options

You can check ATI's Web site, or Nvidea's Web site. Those are the only two card makers that will work with the Mac. And of those two, only a select few cards will work.

That being said, the stock video card SHOULD be more than enough for InDesign. Honestly, when I scroll through a document in ID it flies and the screen redraw is more than adequate.

How much RAM do you have installed? I had 2.5gigs of RAM on my old G5 and had no redraw issues.

Any first-hand reviews out there?

Yeah, I've checked out both sites. ATI has a card that will fit my PCI Express slot. Guess I'd be interested in finding out if anyone has upgraded to a card and what their results/opinions are.

I'm running 8gigs of RAM in my current rig. I don't really have redraw "issues", per se; just always on the lookout for a bit more performance.

Either a new graphics card, if the price is right, or a new Mac... price/performance ratio is the key here.


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